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Secular Therapy in Winston-Salem, NC

A Safe Space for All Belief Systems

If you prefer that therapy be grounded in psychological science - or if you have felt uncomfortable with faith-based counseling in the past - secular therapy may be a fit for you.

Secular Therapy

Secular therapy respects your personal beliefs (or lack of).

Spirituality is always welcome in the therapy room, and it should always happen on your own terms - not your therapist's. Secular therapy celebrates human potential, curiosity about the world, and being authentic. My therapeutic approach aims to help you put aside outside expectations in order to honestly explore your inner thoughts and feelings. The mental health treatment I offer is grounded in research, scientifically validated techniques, and your own personal values above all else.

Non-Religious Therapy

The ability to express our truest selves, especially in ways we may not be able to outside of therapy, is a crucial part of healing. Secular therapy offers added benefits if you are healing from spiritual wounds, religious trauma, or are feeling pressured to be someone you are not.

If you or someone you know is having a mental health crisis, help is available. Dial or text 988, to reach the FREE US Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

© 2025 Green Center Therapy

Office in West End

Winston-Salem, NC 27101​

Open M-F from 10-6pm

Green Center Therapy
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